24 October 2015
|V.I.M.BREAKS proudly announces the launch of a new exceptional series! V.I.M.BREAKS GOLD EDITION singles will come out on golden cover art and will be focus on exceptional quality Psy-Breaks/Psychedelic Tech-Funk singles by some of the top quality artists of the modern Breaks scene!
At the bar, Zaphod was rapidly becoming as tired as a newt. His heads knocked together and his smiles were coming out of synch. He was miserably happy. “Zaphod”, said Ford, “whilst you’re still capable of speech, would you care to tell me what the photon happened? Where have you been? Where have we been? Small matter, but I’d like it cleared up”. “Yeah”, he said, “I’ve been around. They want me to find the man who rules the Universe, but I don’t care to eet him. I believe the man can’t cook”. His left head watched his right head saying this and then nodded. “True”, it said, “have another drink”. Ford had another Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, the drink which has been described as the alcoholic equivalent of a mugging-expensive and bad for the head. Whatever had happened, Ford decided, he didn’t really care too much. “Listen Ford”, said Zaphod, “everything’s cool and froody”. “You mean everything’s under control”. “No”, said Zaphod, “I don’t mean everything’s under control. That will not be cool and froody. If you want to know what happened let’s just say I had the whole situation in my pocket. OK?”
VECTRIX “Set It Off”
VECTRIX “Set It Off (HALF SPACE remix)”